Net Stuff #3
Rick Phillips offers some godly counsel on church vision statements (benefits and pitfalls) here.
Third Millennium Ministries offers Jim Ellis' concise explanation of Hyper-Calvinism: what it is, and what it isn't.
Amy Scott, of Amy's Humble Musings fame, offers edifying thoughts on contraception and the so-called "quiver-full" movement. Her post is irenic, and the gajillions of comments after it are for the most part a generous discussion of a deeply-felt issue.
Ten Reasons Internet Monk Doesn't Read My Blog. [Ouch]
But this is sad. I've mentioned my former membership in the Worldwide Church of God, and I've also mentioned The Surprising God Blog. Just dropped by there for a little visit, and near the top was this post. Imagine just for a moment reading the "us" of Ephesians One as all humanity, and then please tell me how Herbert Armstrong's universalism has not made its way into the new, improved WCG in another form.