Monday, February 12, 2007

Wow!?! Um, WTH? Wow!

I have not yet breathed a word in this blog about my former membership in the Worldwide Church of God (WCG).

It's a long and complex story that I may write about sometime. Or at least I may take on small chunks of it. Today, though, I thought I would share a link to this oddity of a website, and particularly this alarming page. But before you follow either link, a small word of explanation:

Plain Truth Ministries (PTM) is the nondenominational and independent media ministry that used to be the publishing arm of WCG. PTM apparently owns the rights to the name Plain Truth (WCG's infamous publication of years gone by) and today offers both discipleship materials and a radio show hosted by former WCG bigwig Greg Albrecht. I'm not sure what Greg's current relationship with WCG is (he used to be an ordained WCG pastor) and his current bio is a bit vague.

Whether he still has a relationship with WCG is not my thing today, though. I'm morbidly fascinated with the page above, which purports to be "Pastor" Greg's online church. He's got sermons, worship music, some sort of mechanism for pastoral prayers, and ... wait for it ... online Communion! Yes, a simple click on the pretty picture of the (leavened!) loaf and chalice brings you to a page of instructions on how to eat-drink-for-this-is-Christ's-body from the privacy of your own laptop. Strikingly absent is any mention of unworthy receiving (I Corinthians 11:27-32) or any need for accountability among those who call themselves Christians. Your old church keep you away from the Table for unrepentant sin? Have no fear, Christianity without Religion is here!

Now, I do have some sympathy for PTM's focus because, to be sure, legalism is a constant snare throughout the Church. There have always been those would confuse Scripture's requirements with their own scruples, and the Bride of Christ will remain in this impure condition until the Return. Yet the ditch on the other side of the road is just as dangerous. The idea of an e-Church, an anonymous portal where the believer can receive Word and Sacrament without rubbing shoulders with other saved sinners, is appalling.
How is individualism an improvement over legalism?



At 6:48 AM, February 23, 2007 , Blogger Maria Stahl said...

That's revolting.

Our pastor rants frequently about telechurches. This is even worse.


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