Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Andree Seu Rocks

In her latest column, Andree offers evidences that the endless Narnian winter indeed shall end, and everlasting Christmas shall triumph. In other words, if you're not exactly seeing much progress in your sanctification, consider:

You're still short-tempered -- but a couple of times last month you said you were sorry.

Your marriage has had its peaks and valleys, but you are still together.

You sin every day, but you don't find it pleasant anymore; you're not blase about it anymore. You wish you could change.

One thought in 10 in your head is a thought of gratitude -- but that's way up from zero.

You recently wrecked a relationship, big time. But you went back and tried to make it right. Feebly, timidly, awkwardly. But in the old days you wouldn't have even done that.

The first thing on your mind when you wake up in the morning is still "&*%$#, it's Monday." But at least the ninth or 10th thing on your mind nowadays is the goodness of God.

You used to spend 15 minutes obsessing to every one minute praying, but now the proportions are beginning to reverse
.[Reluctantly Reforming hasn't seen much improvement in his obsessing/praying ratio yet, but he's glad others have]

As time goes by, the things of earth seem thinner and the things of heaven seem more concrete.

Sorrows abound, but comforts more abound. And these are less and less the comforts of escapism but those of reality -- the soon and certain return of the King.

For Christ has come indeed. But you live in the in-between time, where old age and new age overlap, and things are messy. The Lion is come -- yea, is sacrificed on the stone table -- but the book has several chapters in it yet. This is a mop-up operation but not a chimera; the skirmishes are real. Let us lay hold of Christmas, then, seizing the day and its power "until the day dawns and the morning star rises" with all the confidence of spring.

You go, girl.

Now, can someone tell me how to add special characters, such as the little squiggle/apostrophe thingy that's missing from "blase" and Andree's first name?


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