Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Quiz Time! The Trinity

Rebecca periodically posts theology quizzes on her blog, and I hope she won't mind my pasting her latest here (after all, not everybody follows links). C'mon, give it try: answer each question true or false according to the Bible and historical doctrine of the Trinity:

1. There is one God.
2. God is one person.
3. God is one being.
4. There are three persons in the Godhead.
5. The three persons in the Godhead are related eternally as Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
6. Each of the three persons of the Godhead is one-third of God.
7. The Father is fully God.
8. The Father has the whole fullness of God’s being in himself.
9. The Father is eternal.
10. The Father is not the Son.
11. The Father is not the Holy Spirit.
12. The Son is fully God.
13. The Son has the whole fullness if God’s being in himself.
14. The Son came into being at the time of the incarnation.
15. The Son was brought into being in eternity past.
16. The Son is eternal.
17. The Son is not the Father.
18. The Son is not the Holy Spirit.
19. The Holy Spirit is fully God.
20. The Holy Spirit has the whole fullness of God’s being in himself.
21. The Holy Spirit is eternal.
22. The Holy Spirit is not the Father.
23. The Holy Spirit is not the Son.
24. The persons of the Trinity are distinct.
25. In their nature, the Son and the Holy Spirit are co-equal and co-eternal with the Father.
26. The Son and the Spirit are subordinate to the Father in their essence or nature.
27. The Trinity is unique.
28. There is both unity and diversity in the being of God.
29. The persons of the Trinity have distinct primary roles.
30. The Father, Son and Holy Spirit are simply different names for the one person of God showing himself to us in three distinct roles.
31. A right understanding of the Trinity is vital to right worship of God.
32. A right understanding of the Trinity is vital to a right understanding of redemption.
33. Any analogy used to explain the Trinity will not represent it completely accurately.
34. The doctrine of the Trinity cannot be derived from the Biblical text.

In my view, there are seven incorrect statements, with a small qualification. (I like the direct simplicity of this quiz, but sometimes simplicity is just too simple.) I'll post my take in a comment, so don't go to comments before you take a crack at the questions yourself.


Saturday, August 25, 2007

Best. eBay Description. Ever.

This one caused me to howl and My Dearest, who does most of the with-kids shopping, to cry actual tears. It's a seller's description of a pack of Pokemon cards, it's a great piece of comedy, and as OOOM2 notes, it's a reminder of the glorious calling of being a mother.

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Monday, August 20, 2007


I've watched The Half Hour News Hour a few times now, and while the writing has been a little uneven, this little gem from last night was pretty funny.

Friday, August 17, 2007

and yes, the soul must part from the body

Not much the poetry guy, but this one moved me. Maybe your soul will find something in it too. (HT: worldmagblog)

"Twilight: After Haying" by Jane Kenyon

Yes, long shadows go out
from the bales; and yes, the soul
must part from the body:
what else could it do?

The men sprawl near the baler,
too tired to leave the field.
They talk and smoke,
and the tips of their cigarettes
blaze like small roses
in the night air. (It arrived
and settled among them
before they were aware.)

The moon comes
to count the bales,
and the dispossessed--
Whip-poor-will, Whip-poor-will
--sings from the dusty stubble.

These things happen. . .the soul's bliss
and suffering are bound together
like the grasses. . .

The last, sweet exhalations
of timothy and vetch
go out with the song of the bird;
the ravaged field
grows wet with dew.

Monday, August 13, 2007

J. I. Packer on Inerrancy

When evangelicals call the Bible "inerrant", part at least of their meaning is this: that, in exegesis and exposition of Scripture and in building up our biblical theology from the fruits of our Bible study, we may not (1) deny, disregard, or arbitrarily relativize, anything that the biblical writers teach, nor (2) discount any of the practical implications for worship and service that their teaching carries, nor (3) cut the knot of any problem of Bible harmony, factual or theological, by allowing ourselves to assume that the inspired writers were not necessarily consistent either with themselves or with each other. It is because the word "inerrant" makes these methodological points about handling the Bible, ruling out in advance the use of mental procedures that can only lead to reduced and distorted versions of Christianity, that it is so valuable and, I think, so much valued by those who embrace it.

HT: evangelical outpost


Thursday, August 09, 2007

Pastor Joel's Smooth Things

Found this at whatum.com, and it's unbelievable. That this man is leading so many astray is tragic. That so many Christians who have been taught the actual gospel continue to buy his books is an outrage.


Monday, August 06, 2007

No, Truth is still Truth, thanks very much

For anyone concerned about the brave new world of the Emergent movement, this excellent, short piece is worth a couple of minutes. Thankfully, many Emergent leaders aren't anywhere near this far out in left field, but the sad fact is that while they may not agree, they don't seem to be doing much to distance themselves, either.

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Church Sign Smackdown

Where has this been all your life?
