Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Quiz Time! The Trinity

Rebecca periodically posts theology quizzes on her blog, and I hope she won't mind my pasting her latest here (after all, not everybody follows links). C'mon, give it try: answer each question true or false according to the Bible and historical doctrine of the Trinity:

1. There is one God.
2. God is one person.
3. God is one being.
4. There are three persons in the Godhead.
5. The three persons in the Godhead are related eternally as Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
6. Each of the three persons of the Godhead is one-third of God.
7. The Father is fully God.
8. The Father has the whole fullness of God’s being in himself.
9. The Father is eternal.
10. The Father is not the Son.
11. The Father is not the Holy Spirit.
12. The Son is fully God.
13. The Son has the whole fullness if God’s being in himself.
14. The Son came into being at the time of the incarnation.
15. The Son was brought into being in eternity past.
16. The Son is eternal.
17. The Son is not the Father.
18. The Son is not the Holy Spirit.
19. The Holy Spirit is fully God.
20. The Holy Spirit has the whole fullness of God’s being in himself.
21. The Holy Spirit is eternal.
22. The Holy Spirit is not the Father.
23. The Holy Spirit is not the Son.
24. The persons of the Trinity are distinct.
25. In their nature, the Son and the Holy Spirit are co-equal and co-eternal with the Father.
26. The Son and the Spirit are subordinate to the Father in their essence or nature.
27. The Trinity is unique.
28. There is both unity and diversity in the being of God.
29. The persons of the Trinity have distinct primary roles.
30. The Father, Son and Holy Spirit are simply different names for the one person of God showing himself to us in three distinct roles.
31. A right understanding of the Trinity is vital to right worship of God.
32. A right understanding of the Trinity is vital to a right understanding of redemption.
33. Any analogy used to explain the Trinity will not represent it completely accurately.
34. The doctrine of the Trinity cannot be derived from the Biblical text.

In my view, there are seven incorrect statements, with a small qualification. (I like the direct simplicity of this quiz, but sometimes simplicity is just too simple.) I'll post my take in a comment, so don't go to comments before you take a crack at the questions yourself.



At 6:27 PM, August 28, 2007 , Blogger Aaron said...

Here's what I t'ink:

2, 6, 14, 15, 26, 30, and 33 are false.

On 14: while it is true that the Word was made flesh (became the Son of Mary) at the incarnation, He eternally preexisted. In the Incarnation, the Son added a human nature to His divine nature; He did not come into being.

On 15: at first blush, "eternity past" may appear to be an improvement on "at the time of the Incarnation" but it really isn't: the Son exists from eternity past; "coming into being" could only mean there was a time when He didn't exist.

On 26: the Son and Spirit are functionally subordinate to the Father but not ontologically subordinate. BTW, it is sadly interesting how often erroneous thinking here is bound up with erroneous thinking about gender roles. The egalitarians (Rebecca Grothuis, for instance) argue that the Son cannot be subordinate to the Father (i.e., cannot submit to the Father's will) without being unequal in being. The Bible, however, has no trouble affirming the Son's subjection ("All that the Father has commanded I have done") while at the same time affirming equality of essence ("I and the Father are one").

30. Modalism.

33. My qualification: every analogy OF WHICH I AM AWARE does not completely accurately describe it. Perhaps some analogy somewhere may adequately deal with the unity and diversity of the Godhead. I HIGHLY doubt it, but do not rule out the possibility on presuppositional grounds.


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