The Whole Counsel of God

I'm now one and a half times through reading the Bible in the English Standard Version (I'll complete two times through in July 2008, if I stick with current habit) and she has done a combination of listening to audio ESV and reading a pocket NIV.
Profound insights? Not many, at least not yet. Increasingly thinking God's thoughts after Him? I pray so. This project has been a whirlwind (you can't really chew on Romans or Ephesians while blasting through them a chapter a day during lunch break) but it has helped us see this revelatory history of redemption in broad strokes. Getting the flavor of the various prophets, for instance, and a sense of the overriding themes of each historical book.
For anyone who would like to get started in 2008, here are a few workable plans. And don't think you must wait until next year if you didn't get started on January 1 with Genesis and Matthew. God's Word is a long train, and boarding a particular car matters a whole lot less than making sure you board somewhere.
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