Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Limited Atonement

... is probably the least politically correct doctrine in the politically incorrect Christian faith - so much so that many Christians vehemently deny that the Bible even teaches it.
Briefly, limited atonement means that Christ's atoning work on the cross is efficacious (effective) for a specific group of people: those sinners, chosen before the foundation of the world, for whom He died. These are truly saved; they are not merely offered the potential to be saved from their sins and the rest is up to them (thank God!). While the Bible does speak of Christ's death "for the world" in several places, these references cannot be divorced from the numerous mentions and discussions of election of individual persons for eternal life.
Anyway, this bit of live blogging (by a Reformed Baptist; half right, but everyone has to start somewhere!) briefly and helpfully describes a few theological implications and practical applications of this important doctrine.
Read it, and let's talk.
UPDATE April 26, 2007: this is helpful, too.