Wednesday, October 17, 2007

The God Of Our Mind

My friend Lyle composed this little parable about idolatries ancient and modern.

The God Of Our Mind

A thousand years ago there was a man by the name of Ganran. He was a simple man, who was a farmer. Ganran lived in a culture that commonly used idols. Ganran was anxious that it wouldn't rain so he spent some of his savings and bought an idol made out of wood. He name it Urdoon.

Last year there was a man by the name of Henry. He was a basic man, but had been recently laid off from a manufacturing job. He went to church every Sunday and considered himself a Christian. Henry was anxious that he wouldn't find a job so he spend some of his savings and bought a book that would help him increase his faith in God. It was to be a God of his mind.

Ganran went to his wooden idol Urdoon and prayed that it would rain. That year it rained. Ganran had a good season and ate well. He thanked Urdoon for answering his prayer. Ganran's faith in Urdoon increased.

Henry prayed to his God that he could find a job. A week later he was able to find a job. Henry was able to pay all his bills and was able to pay down most of his credit cards. He thanked God for answering his prayer. Henry's faith in God increased.

In the next growing season, Ganran prayed again to Urdoon. This time it didn't rain. So Ganran prayed again. It still didn't rain. So then Ganran thought that maybe he had made Urdoon angry. So he began to think of how he had maybe disappointed Urdoon. So he performed an animal sacrifice to Urdoon. Maybe it would cause Urdoon to bless Ganran with some rain. But it didn't rain, so he thought to himself that maybe he should be a nicer person. Eventually after three weeks of trying to be a nicer person, it rained. Ganran thanked Urdoon for blessing him and for teaching him to be a more religious person. Ganran's faith in Urdoon was very high.

Henry was soon laid off from his new job, so Henry prayed to God again. Henry went to many job interviews for several weeks but couldn't land a job. So Henry prayed some more. He still couldn't find a job. So then Henry thought that somehow God was not pleased with something about him. So he gave a rather large offering at church one week. Maybe it would cause God to bless him with a job. But he still didn't find a job, so he thought to himself that maybe he should be more friendly with the people in his life. Eventually after three weeks and dozens of interviews, he found a job. Henry thanked God for blessing him and for teaching him to be a more religious person. Henry's faith in God was very high.

How much of our faith is based on our own imagination of what God is thinking? How much is it based strictly on what God's Word says?



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